Friday, August 28, 2009

Fine Art Friday

This week's FAF is dedicated to photographer Slim Aarons.

Apparently the LA episodes of last season's Mad Men were partly inspired by his photography. (Am I obsessed with Mad Men? Maybe a little.)

Much like Julius Shulman, RIP, he photographed architecture and life in LA during the 60's. But he also took images of celebs and the debutantes that adorned LA during the 60s, 70s and 80s.

To me, the early 60s and 70s was the one and only time LA was cool. But I'm also way into this period for its style of clothing, decor and its emphasis on partying ;-)

Enjoy the throwback.



1 comment:

spring basil said...

hey pawel and I are just discovering mad men (we are downloading episodes) and we too are totally infatuated. :) Good stuff. xoxoxox