Monday, December 7, 2009

D.I.Y Birthday Ideas

Hello Hello...

My friend Lauren just celebrated her 30th birthday with a lovely party at a wine bar on Friday night.

She booked the space herself and ordered some appetizers ahead of time. So to add to her special night, a few of her friends and I decorated the space.

I also made a Birthday Book. What's a birthday book?

It's a book with fun photos of the birthday person with friends with lots of empty pages where guests can sign it with birthday wishes or other anecdotes!

I made mine from a cool free notebook I had from Getty Images, with different colors of paper and stock photos throughout. Then I customized the cover with a fun collage and the letter "L" for Lauren. I customized the back too and printed out lots of pictures and pasted them throughout the book.

I bought a pack of glitter gel pens in different colors and Viola! Masterpiece.

Additionally, I wrapped Lauren's present in fun tissue paper and taped a cool photo on top--DIY wrapping paper!

If you aren't lucky enough to be an Art Producer who gets lots of free cool stuff, you can use photos from magazines for a wrapping paper idea and you can buy cheap notebooks like these and customize the cover with magazine clippings and a glue stick.

D.I.Y...Why? Because I love you.


1 comment:

spring basil said...

Oooh I like this! Such a great idea. We're looking forward to your birthday party! Are you going to do a pre-party post?